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Community Response

Community Response: A local response to safer ageing



Our Community Response programme highlights Hourglass’ commitment to further develop and expand our community-based work to allow us to offer a more local and flexible response to the needs of older people and others.


Community Response will be centred around a series of Community Hubs, where older people, their loved ones and professionals can access tailored and comprehensive support and advice around the abuse of older people and safer ageing.  The Hubs will act as one-stop-shops, providing advice and guidance to older people and others concerned about the abuse of older people, as well as a broader focus on safer ageing to allow us to support any older person.


Building upon our current programmes, the Community Hubs will allow us to bring together for the first time all Hourglass services, as well as new services, into a modern new community-focussed model. By bringing together a full suite of services into a single local access point, this will create an end-to-end model from prevention and early intervention, right through to recovery and moving on from abuse. This will allow us to support victims of abuse, as well as proactively preventing abuse by helping older people to keep safe from harm, abuse and exploitation.



Are the Hubs offering support now?


mapFind out about our Scottish Community Hub here


Find out about our Northern Ireland Hub here


Find out about our Sussex hub here


Find out about our South London hub here


Find out about our Thames Valley hub here




Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with our exiting plans for new Hubs as they develop.

Can you help us?

Our services rely on your support to allow us to support as many older people as possible. There are many ways you can support us, from making a one-off donation to running a marathon. Find out more here


Tel: 0808 808 8141 

And our experienced Helpline Team will transfer you through to our Hub

or you can email us and we will get in touch -


Read our Recovery Service Stories here