End of Life Bill

Hourglass’s View on the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill


Overarchingly, Hourglass has a neutral view on the proposed Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill. We understand and support the need for older people to be able to make choices regarding their own lives and deaths and have autonomy over decision making in this sphere and any others.

However, we are concerned by elements of the Bill revolving around safeguarding, oversight and regulation, and we are anxious to ensure that older people are not at risk of coercion, abuse, and pressure to end their lives on account of the Bill.


manifesto coverHourglass’s View on the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill

Hourglass’s commitment and call for a Safer Ageing Society by 2050, as outlined in its recent manifesto, specifically lays down an aim to “foster an environment where the safety and dignity of ageing individuals are guaranteed.”1 While assisted dying may seem antithetical to notions of keeping older adults safe and allowing for safer ageing, assisted dying legislation may well fit in a dignity consensus, and allow the dignity of choice for older people, especially in cases of terminal illness.

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