OATH – Older Age, Tomorrow’s Hope
Building a Safer Ageing Society is essential.
There are over two and a half million reasons why we should all take the OATH. Because that’s how many older people suffer abuse, harm, neglect and exploitation every year.
Older people are victims of the same forms of abuse as all other age groups. This includes physical, sexual, domestic, economic and phycological abuse. Yet their voices are rarely heard. OATH is about creating a voice so loud that it cannot be ignored any longer.
Your signature makes that voice louder. Your signature shows you are prepared to have your voice heard.
Taking the OATH shows you are prepared to help older victims of abuse when they need us most.
Because we need to create a Safer Ageing Society, where we can all grow old safely, without fear of abuse. Safer ageing should no longer be a hope, it should be a promise.