Hourglass Webinars: Summer Programme
This Summer, Hourglass and the Age Reform Coalition are hosting a series of webinars focusing on the care industry and exploring what needs to happen to improve the industry for both the carer and those in care.
These will be 90 minutes long and feature a roundtable of experts within the industry. There is the opportunity for you to put your own questions to the panel, either prior to the event or via the Webinar Q&A facility.
Book onto our webinar here
Who Cares for the Carers? How can we ensure the mental health of our carers is a priority
18th August, 10am-11:30am

This webinar is to highlight the need for better recognition of health care assisstant or carer's wellbeing.
Figures from the UNISON survey conducted in September 2021, show a substantial proportion of care workers have suffered problems during the pandemic including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with more than two-thirds (68%) saying their mental health has declined.
From the 4,000 staff working in care homes and delivering care in communities across the UK that were surveyed, more than eight in ten (85%) had experienced mental health deterioration since the start of the pandemic said their work had been a factor.Problems reported by the workforce ranged from what staff described as PTSD, to depression and anxiety, the inability to leave work stress behind and sleeping difficulties.
Hourglass will be joined by ARC member, Nightingales Army, a community interest company, set up by two health care assistants with the vision to actively raise the standard of care.
Founders, Elizabeth Cox and Felicity Miles, witnessed the crisis in social care around recruiting, retaining, recognising and properly rewarding Healthcare Assistants. The turnover of staff is only exceeded by the hospitality sector, and the standard of care is hampered by the failure to introduce standardised practical ‘hands-on’ accredited training.
This webinar is to highlight the need for better recognition of health care assistant or carer's wellbeing. The job role is constantly under pressure, services do not have the capacity to allow their staff adequate rest breaks or holidays. This is pushing services to breaking point. Care is declining and service users are not receiving the necessary care they so rightfully deserve and pay highly for.
Please book your place here. You will be emailed a link to join the webinar 30 minutes prior to the webinar going live. If you have any questions or issues, please email pennywilby@wearehourglass.org
Say So: Why do so many health and care staff fear ‘speaking up”?
21st July, 10am-11:30am

This webinar will ask why health and care staff are reticent to speak up within the work environment.
Some of the areas we’ll be discussing are:
● Consequences for care staff speaking up.
● The impact of social media around whistleblowing. Has it made the situation better or worse?
● What can be done to ensure concerns are listened to and acted upon in a professional manner
Joining us on the panel are former whistleblowers and professionals that work within the industry, dealing with issues around disputes in the workplace.
Judith Milburn – Care Consultant
Judith has been a Registered Nurse for 40 years. She has managed care homes for 15, set up and managed a nursing and homecare agency, then in 2017 moved into care and compliance as an independent consultant and freelance to other companies as well as having my own company. I am passionate about good care but also know from personal experience it is sometimes difficult to voice concerns without you being the one getting penalised.
My mum has recently just gone into a nursing home so I have experienced the system from both perspectives.
Rachel Adamson – HR Specialist and NHS Freedom to Speak Up Guardian
Rachel Adamson is a Chartered MCIPD HR professional based in the North West has over 30 years’ all sector experience with her specialist interest and experience being in employment law and coaching. Rachel’s wealth of experience has been gained whilst working in organisations including the NHS, several Local Authorities including Bradford MDC, the Probation Service, in education, in retail and also in several not- for- profit organisations including working for care sector charities. She is proud to be the director of her own HR Consultancy Northern Star HR and Wellbeing Solutions Limited and also work part time for the NHS as a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian. Rachel is also a voluntary board director of Total Communication Services CIC which ensures that adults with learning disabilities have a voice.
Due to the diversity of her portfolio she has a proven ability to quickly and in a measured way assess organisations, their culture and the unique people issues that are often present whilst also building up positive relationships.Sadly, these skills at times have put her in a precarious situation and Rachel has lived experience of speaking up and having to alert senior managers and directors to malpractice and then suffered a detriment for doing so. These cases have resulted in proven fraud and failure to follow statutory procedures around recruitment.
Rachel believes that HR and indeed us all need to be moral compasses and affect the change needed to ensure patient or customer safety is paramount, whilst also ensuring that employees can flourish in a happy workplace where they can be their authentic selves.
Shaun Keep - Safeguarding Professional and Speak Up Leader
Shaun was a detective in the Metropolitan Police for 34 years and has served on numerous serious and major crime teams including child protection. In 2012 he led the team of detectives that secured two convictions in the murder of Stephen Lawrence and also followed this up by convicting further suspects for the murder of serious drug distribution offences. Since leaving the police he has advised on safeguarding policy for major organisations and has developed safeguarding investigation skills in two police forces. He now concentrates on his passion to keep vulnerable people safe in the care sector and believes that staff hold the information required to continually improve care services.
Sabina Kelly - Registered Nurse – Former Care Home Manager – Experienced Gerontologist
Sabina is an experienced and driven nurse who has worked as a Senior Sister at King Edward VII Hospital for over 14 years, specializing in developing discharge processes hospital wide. Sabina has experience working in the care sector as a Director of Operations for a domiciliary care company and an Interim Care Home Manager.
Sabina is the Managing Director of Sabco Health and Wellbeing LTD. Sabco offers consultation and advice and manages packages of care for clients when they reach a vulnerable stage of their lives and require added support. Sabco also supports and assists families through the struggle of decision making and through the maze of finding the right care for their loved ones, in order to maximize independence and live fulfilling lives.
Please book your place here. You will be emailed a link to join the webinar 30 minutes prior to the webinar going live. If you have any questions or issues, please email pennywilby@wearehourglass.org
If you have any questions or issues, please email pennywilby@wearehourglass.org
You can also send in any questions for the panel to pennywilby@wearehourglass.org