7th May 2021
Yesterday the Good Law Project renewed the application for a judicial review against the Government’s refusal to hold an urgent public inquiry into the frontline health and social care staff who lost their lives to Covid-19 due to lack of provision of PPE at the outset of the pandemic.
Hourglass joins Doctors’ Association UK and GLP as co-litigants to the application, seeking this legal action to achieve justice for the NHS and care home staff who were not given the protection and support they needed.
Veronica Gray, DCEO of Hourglass said:
“Until there is a full, independent inquiry into the systemic failures, lagging government policies in the face of clear evidence of the spread of the infection, and an urgent review of what lessons can be learned, there can be no justice for those who have lost their lives or those who have lost family members. Justice is transparency, accountability and lessons learned – urgently”.
Read more about this progress here and about our involvement here