We were delighted to present Margaret with an iPad, gifted from Hourglass via the Scottish Government scheme Connecting Scotland.
Over the pandemic, the Internet has been integral to keeping us connected to our family, our friends and our loved ones. Being able to speak to our families over Zoom, Facetime or Teams at a time when we may have been self-isolating or in lockdown, or just far away has been so important to our mental health and in some cases safety.
For many older people, the last year and half has been difficult. The digital skills that come naturally to the younger generation have not been as forthcoming to many older people. However, Connecting Scotland has been working hard, throughout the COVID19 pandemic, to help get every citizen in Scotland online.
Hourglass was delighted to present Margaret with an iPad, gifted from Hourglass via the Scottish Government scheme Connecting Scotland. The scheme, which started at the beginning of the year, aimed to tackle digital exclusion among older people on a low income.
Margaret was thrilled about receiving her iPad and we featured her in our February Newsletter. We asked Margaret, six months on, how her iPad had helped her through lockdown.
I went from not knowing anything about an iPad to using recipes, reading books, playing games, even face-timing my family, which all helped greatly during lockdown.
Just wanted to thank Hourglass for the iPad that I was gifted. It was during lockdown that I received it, I’m not techy minded at all but with help from Carralanne who is an inspiration to me, I managed to get my head round it, I now know how to upload books, food recipes, I also play games, oh and I can use google, face-time family and friends which is all great, it’s definitely been a tool for me.
If you’d like to find out about Connecting Scotland, click HERE. If you’re concerned about the wellbeing of an older person you know, please call us on 0808 808 8141 or click here to discover how Hourglass Scotland Community Response Hub can help.