Has someone you thought you could trust made you feel, scared, unsafe or worried?
Are you concerned about an older relative?
Do you need help to access support or enforce your rights?
Being harmed, exploited or abused is never ok. This might include physical, financial, psychological, sexual or neglect.
We can help
Our Community Hub is a one-stop-shop for anyone who is concerned about the abuse of older people, or needs advice about safer ageing. With a strong community presence, our focus is to provide an immediate and localised response to the abuse of older people – building on our own expertise, as well as working with a range of partner agencies in local communities across Northern Ireland.
The Hub offers specialist advice and support for older people who have experienced, or are at risk of, harm, abuse or exploitation. Our experienced team can provide support in a range of areas, from prevention and early intervention, right through to direct support and recovery from abuse.
What support is available?
Offering services across the whole of Northern Ireland, our specialist team can support with:
Casework: to help you make informed choices, access support or challenge a decision
Advocating on your behalf
Follow-up calls to provide ongoing support and check-ins
A range of information materials, including our online Knowledge Bank – the UK’s first ever specialist knowledge bank specifically relating to the abuse of older people and safer ageing.
You can contact us or get support here